We asked SHU students the last time they called their parents

And it turns out pretty often. 

Week six and the university term is well underway, and thousands of teenagers have flown the nest. We asked students on Hallam campus if they have found time to catch up with their parents amidst all the deadlines, late nights and…er sleeping.

Here’s what they told us when we asked “When was the last time you called home?”

Ben Sayers, 3rd year, Architecture 

“My Dad called this morning. He suffered a stroke about 3 months ago and he’s been in hospital ever since so I ring him daily to reassure him everything’s ok,so he can hear a familiar voice. He doesn’t get many visitors so it’s the highlight of his day when I ring him, especially when he gets upset from being on his own all the time, he really appreciates me ringing to speak to him.”

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Connie Cribb, 1st year, Journalism

“I’m going home next week so I called in my break, I needed to sort out when she’s coming to get me,

But I used to call them all the time when I first got to Sheffield – I was quite homesick. I’m a bit better now so I call them every so often.”

Jake Beavers, 4th year, Computer science

“Yesterday, I just had a catch up. I’m not living with them at the moment…  I probably text them a couple times a week”

Phoebe and Beth, 2nd years, Fine Art 

“We try and speak to them once a week on Whatsapp, We’re from Australia so it’s usually pretty difficult to catch them at the right time”

Paige Gibson, 2nd year, Animation 

“Two days ago. My dog Fred isn’t very well so I keep calling home to check up on him. He isn’t eating.”

Jacob Rowbottom, 1st year, Science with Education

“I spoke to them just a minute ago actually, they were checking what time I’d be home for tea.”

Robin Zhang, Masters, Global Business

“I call my mum almost every day and I tell her how I’m doing with my studies, I don’t get to speak to my dad so often he’s usually away working.”

Jasmine Dean, 3rd Year, Architecture 

“About an hour ago, we’ve just got a new puppy and I’m going home to see it after uni”